Author First, Quality First



All material in this document is the intellectual property of Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd. The use of informationand content in this document in whole or in part is forbidden unless express permission has been given inwriting by Crimson Interactive Pvt. | | | | | | | | www.enago.ruOne of the most widely used important deliberative procedures is deliberative polling,designed by James Fishkin. In their article Deliberative Polling : Ffrom Experiment toCommunity Resource, James Fishkin, and Cynthia Farrar presents the theoretical and thepractical issues involved inof developing the transformation of this procedure from a thoughtexperiment to a democratic practice that has been used in numerousdifferent communities inthe United States and around the world. They define the deliberative polling as a poll ofcitizens before and after they had the chance to arrive at considered judgments based oninformation and exposure to the views of their fellow citizens” (Fishkin and, Farrar, 2005 :68). TheyFishkin and Farar argue that their method deliberative poll is a distinctive form ofpublic consultation that combines two key values:, political equality and deliberation. By,understanding by political equality, they mean equal the equal consideration of everyone’spreferences;, and by deliberation, they refer to a process of discussion in whichparticipantspeople weigh competing arguments on their merits. In their opinionsview, for ahigh-quality deliberation meets four criteria: there are four standards that should be met - (a)cCompleteness, or: the extent to which arguments offered on one side of an issue areanswered by arguments from another side, which that are then answered in turn; (b)iInformation, i.e., : the extent to which the information that participantspeople employ isreasonable and accurate; (c) cConsciousness, or: the extent to which those involved desire todecide people participate with the aim of deciding the issue on its merits; and (d) dDiversity,Comment [A1]: “Important” is asubjective judgment; frequency of useis easier to assert.Comment [A2]: The fact ofsignificance here is that manycommunities have used the method,not that the communities aredifferent.Comment [A3]: No need to namethe method again as it has alreadybeen mentioned three times.Comment [A4]: Academic writingshould not contain lengthy and wordysentences as they can hamper clarity.The sentence has been divided intotwo to introduce clarity and betterformal expression.
All material in this document is the intellectual property of Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd. The use of informationand content in this document in whole or in part is forbidden unless express permission has been given inwriting by Crimson Interactive Pvt. | | | | | | | | www.enago.ruor: the extent to which those who deliberate represent the full rangediversity of viewpoints inthe relevant population.
All material in this document is the intellectual property of Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd. The use of informationand content in this document in whole or in part is forbidden unless express permission has been given inwriting by Crimson Interactive Pvt. | | | | | | | | www.enago.ruOne of the most widely used important deliberative procedures is deliberative polling, designed byJames Fishkin. In their article Deliberative Polling : Ffrom Experiment to Community Resource,James Fishkin, and Cynthia Farrar presents the theoretical and the practical issues involved inof thetransformation of this procedure from a thought experiment to a democratic practice innumerousdifferent communities in the United States and around the world. They define thedeliberative polling as a poll of citizens before and after they had the chance to arrive atconsidered judgments based on information and exposure to the views of their fellow citizens”(Fishkin and, Farrar, 2005 : 68). TheyFishkin and Farar argue that the deliberative poll is a distinctiveform of public consultation that combines two key values:, political equality and deliberation. By,understanding by political equality, they mean equal the equal consideration of everyone’spreferences;, and by deliberation, they refer to a process of discussion in which participantspeopleweigh competing arguments on their merits. In their opinions, for a quality deliberation there arefour standards that should be met: - (a) cCompleteness: the extent to which arguments offered onone side of an issue are answered by arguments from another side, which that are then answered inturn; (b) Information: the extent to which the information that people employ is reasonable andaccurate; (c) Consciousness: the extent to which those involved desire to decide people participatewith the aim of deciding the issue on its merits; and (d) Diversity: the extent to which those whodeliberate represent the full rangediversity of viewpoints in the relevant population.Comment [A1]: “Important” is asubjective judgment; frequency of useis easier to assert.Comment [A2]: The fact ofsignificance here is that manycommunities have used the method,not that the communities aredifferent.Comment [A3]: Along with languageand grammar accuracy, a normal editensures enhance usage of punctuationsuch as placement of commas.









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