PhD in Experimental Pathology経験:19年以上New ZealandID:MB210
American Journal Cardiologyなど多数のジャーナル原稿の校正や査読に19年以上の経験を持つ。また、 オーストラリア・ニュージーランド腎臓病学会、オーストラリア実験病理学会、国際血液レオロジー臨床学会、欧州糖尿病研究学会などの審査委員会に加入しており、クライストチャーチ医学研究学会、ニュージーランド・欧州糖尿病研究学会の委員でもある。
General biochemistry, Metabolism, Biotechnology, Cell biology, Enzymology, Food sciences, Pharmaceutical microbiology, Bacteriology, Medical microbiology, Clinical pathology, General pathology, Microbiology, Pharmaceutical research, Pharmacotherapy, Biomedical research (Experimental medicine), Cardiology, Clinical microbiology, Clinical/Anatomical pathology, Endocrinology, Exercise physiology, General medicine, Hematology, Immunology, Internal medicine, Nephrology, Nutrition, Physiology, Sports medicine & technology, Vascular medicine
PhD, Experimental Pathology, University of Otago, New Zealand
PGDip, Biochemistry, University of Otago, New Zealand
BSc, Biochemistry, University of Otago, New Zealand
British Journal of Experimental Pathology, Clinical Science, New Zealand Medical Journal, Pathology, New Zealand Family Physician, Clinical Science, Journal of Diabetic Complications, Clinical Nephrology, Atherosclerosis Reviews, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Nephron, Renal Failure, Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, J Human Hypertension, American Journal Cardiology, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Journal New Zealand Dietetic Association, Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Phytotherapy Research, Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism, Diabetologia, Free Radical Research, Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, Hormone Metabolic Research, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Obesity
New Zealand Certificate of Science, Medical Laboratory
Scientist, Christchurch Hospital
Scientist, Efamol NZ Ltd
Scientist, New Zealand Electricity South Island Botany Laboratory
Scientific Officer, University of Otago Medical School
Medical laboratory technologist, Kew Hospital
Australasian Society for Experimental Pathology
Committee member Christchurch Medical Research Society
Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology
International Society for Clinical Haemorheology
New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes
European Society for the Study of Diabetes
New Zealand Hospital Scientific Officer’s Association
HRC Health Delivery Assessing Committee