Author First, Quality First

PhD in Botany
経験:5年以上United States



BMC Plant Biologyなど多数のジャーナルにおいて執筆および校正、査読に携わった経験を持つ。米国科学振興協会および米国昆虫学会、システム生物学会員。


Agriculture, Agroecology, Horticulture, Plant anatomy/phytoanatomy, Botany, Entomology, Evolutionary biology, Genomics, Soil microbiology, Mycology, Industrial microbiology, Environmental microbiology, Arachnology, Zoology, Acarology, Conservation (habitat, wildlife, species, water), Ecology, Paleontology, Forensic entomology


PhD, Botany, The University of Texas, USA
BA, Biology, Swarthmore College, USA


Biomacromolecules, Plant Sexual Reproduction, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Oxford University Press, Apidologie, Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Systematic Botany


African Journal of Agricultural Research, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, Allelopathy Journal, Animal Behaviour, Annals of Botany, Applied Entomology and Zoology, Plant Interactions, Biological Control, Biological Sciences in Space, BioResources Technology, BMC Evolutionary Biology, BMC Genomics, BMC Plant Biology, Chemoecology, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, Chinese Science Bulletin, Current Zoology, Ecological Engineering, Ecological Modelling, Ecological Research, Ecology and Society, Ecotoxicology, Entomologia, Experimentalis et Applicata, Environmental Science and Technology, Euphytica, European Journal of Wildlife Research, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, Fundamental and Applied Limnology, Gene, HortScience, International Journal of Primatology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, Journal of Chemical Ecology, Journal of economic entomology, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Journal of Natural History, Journal of Phytopathology, Journal of Plant Interactions, Journal of Plant Physiology, Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Journal of Zoology, Landscape Ecology, Mammal study , Microscopy Research and Technique, Molecular biology reports, Molecular Breeding, Molecular Plant, Mycorrhiza, Mycoscience, Nature Chemical Biology, Neotropical Entomology, Plant and Cell Physiology, Plant and Soil, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Planta, PLOS ONE, PNAS, Population Ecology, Primates, Science, SCIENCE CHINA, Life Sciences, Sexual Plant Reproduction, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Trees, Trees structure and function, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology


Lecturer, San Francisco State University
Assistant Professor, University of the Pacific
Instructor, University of New Mexico
Instructor, TVI Community College


National Science Foundation
International Center for Public Health and Environmental Research
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Entomological Society of America
Kansas Entomological Society
Sigma Xi
Society of Systematic Biologists
Society for the Study of Evolution
